Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i speak a different
and difficult impossible?
language, i guess.

i thought it easily decipherable, but
there is a language barrier -
perhaps a language berlin wall (except
still standing) - perhaps a
language coral reef [and coral
reefs are in fact quite large] - perhaps
a language olympic pole vault -
in any case, it has so far proven

i am sometimes discouraged
about this:
every language has a
translator, even twi
has a translator, my
language cannot be more
complicated than
twi? is clicks and
taps. am i harder
to decipher than
clicks and

i understand my language
so very well; it baffles me
that everyone does not
understand my language. that
everyone does not understand
my language is a
language i cannot myself

confusion! babble! babel!

but at times i almost
realize: the point. is
not being translated
but the point. is having a
language at all.

my language is complex
with grammatical inconsistencies.
but my language is
quite beautiful really -
unique at least.

if all translators have failed to
understand my real and lovely
language - i think i would
prefer to remain untranslated.

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