Thursday, July 24, 2008

i am

i am a symphony,
instruments of all shapes and sounds
random, unique
longing to be played by my Conductor
longing for harmony.

i am a love song,
written out of the overflow of His heart
passionate, driven
longing to be sung by my Writer
longing for authenticity.

i am a ballad,
acoustic guitar with strings tuned perfectly
soft, gentle
longing to be strummed by my Owner
longing for simplicity.

i am a revolution chant,
drums beating along with my heart
powerful, moving
longing to be shouted out by my Believer
longing for change.

i am a sonata,
notes pure and beautiful rippling on the piano keys
enduring, timeless
longing to be carefully written by my Composer
longing for eternity.

i am a hymn,
faith the foundation of my very existence
harmonious, lovely, simple, revolutionary, eternally true
longing to be sung to my Conductor
my Writer
my Owner
my Believer
my Composer
longing for Him.

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